Understanding the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet interventions on cardiometabolic risk prevention through metabolomics profiling

Miguel A. Martinez-Gonzalez

University of Navarra; Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health; CIBEROBN


September 12, 2022

Dr. Martínez-González is a chronic disease epidemiologist with >30 years of experience studying chronic diseases’ nutritional, lifestyle, clinical, metabolomic, and genetic determinants. He has designed and directed large cohorts, such as the SUN (‘Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra’) cohort (1999-2022, with >23,000 participants), and nutritional intervention trials fro primary cardiovascular prevention, such as PREDIMED trial (2003-2013, with 7,447 participants) and PREDIMED-Plus trial (2013-2022, with 6,874 participants).